AMWWP Water/Wastewater Studies Initiative
Grant Procedures ManualINDEXObjectiveTo assist Alberta municipalities with the review and/or identification of their water/wastewater needs under the Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership. Time frameThis is an ongoing initiative implemented on April 1, 1991. Project eligibility criteriaMunicipal eligibilityFunding under this initiative is available to all municipalities with a population of 10,000 or less, that are eligible for funding under the AMWWP. Project eligibilityFunding may be available for the following types of studies, subject to a detailed assessment of eligibility by the department:
Such studies should do the following:
Such studies should do the following:
All services engaged under this Initiative must be from the private sector. NOTE: The department is not automatically committed to fund any projects identified as a result of studies conducted under this Initiative. Associated costsFunding may be available for associated costs which can include:
4.3.4 NON-Eligible ItemsThe following will not be considered eligible for funding:
Funding availabilityMunicipalities subject to this initiative are eligible for funding on the same cost-sharing basis as under the AMWWP. The final grant will be based on actual study costs to an upset limit established at the time of funding approval. ProceduresMunicipalities wishing to use available funding under this initiative will generally follow AMWWP procedure as outlined previously. Applications under this initiative should include the following: