Program DescriptionOverviewThe Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership provides cost-shared funding to eligible municipalities to assist in the construction of municipal water supply and treatment and wastewater treatment and disposal facilities. Various initiatives have been included in the program to ensure the needs of Alberta municipalities are met. Benefits of ProgramThe program ensures that Albertans have access to safe water supplies and adequate wastewater treatment. All municipalities receiving assistance are encouraged to support Alberta companies and are required to use the private sector for all work undertaken. This program enhances life in smaller urban centers and allows municipalities to attract development to their communities. Funding PolicyFunding is provided to cities (under 45,000 population), towns, villages, summer villages, regional commissions and eligible hamlets within rural municipalities for the construction of high-priority water supply and treatment and wastewater treatment and disposal facilities. Water distribution and/or sewage collection systems are not eligible for assistance. Funding is provided as a percentage of eligible approved project costs. For those municipalities under 1,000 population, projects are cost-shared on a 75 percent Government/25 percent municipality basis. For communities over 1,000 population (to a maximum of 45,000 population), grant percentage ratios are calculated by a formula. The percentage ratio declines as the population increases. Municipalities apply for funding on a project-by-project basis. In some cases, funding can be provided for regional facilities (serving more than one municipality) where a regional concept is more cost-effective and environmentally sound than a stand-alone system. Regional Water Systems receive funding under Water for Life. The program also encourages water conservation and consumption-based rate structures. Under this initiative, municipalities could be subject to a 10 percent reduction in grants if they have no metering in place and the average annual consumption exceeds the norm for the area. This applies to both water and wastewater projects.
Updated: June 5, 2009 |